Wedding Reading from The Princess Bride

Our wedding reading series continues! We love seeing personalisation in wedding ceremonies and one of the best places to put those personalised touches is within the readings. Registrars are continuing to be more felxible with what you may have as a reading and of course in celebration ceremonies, there are no restictions at all! You can choose a poem, sonnet, song or your favourite lines from a film to tell your loved ones just how much you care!

Today we’re continuing our book theme, with The Princess Bride by William Goldman. If you’ve read it, or seen the 80s cult classic, then you’ll probably recognise this one…

“Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches…I have stayed these years in my hovel because of you. I have taught myself languages because of you. I have made my body strong because I thought you might be pleased by a strong body. I have lived my life with only the prayer that some sudden dawn you might glance in my direction. I have not known a moment in years when the sight of you did not send my heart careening against my rib cage. I have not known a night when your visage did not accompany me to sleep. There has not been a morning when you did not flutter behind my waking eyelids…

I love you. Okay? Want it louder? I love you. Spell it out, should I? I ell-oh-vee-ee why-oh-you. Want it backward? You love I…”