Finding your Florist

Flowers can be one of the best ways to bring some colour to your wedding, with arrangements in the church or ceremony room, at the reception, bouquets, buttonholes, corsages the list goes on!  Most brides will carry a bouquet even if they are not using flowers elsewhere.  So here’s a few questions to ask your florist to help you find the right florist for you:

What flowers will be in season on my wedding date?

Most types of flower can be available all year round but the cost can be high and the quality low if the flower is out of season.  A good florist will suggest flowers that are in season to keep the costs down and to keep your flowers looking great.

Have you worked at my venue before?

If your florist knows the venue, they will almost always have suggestions of good places for flowers and also photographs of work they have done there before.  Ask to look through their portfolio, particularly at photos of the venue or of other weddings using a similar floral theme to help you establish your own style.

What type of bouquet will work with my dress?

Take a picture of your dress and a swatch of material if you can.  You florist will work with you and your dress to create a bouquet that is comfortable for you to hold and doesn't take away the impact of your fabulous dress.

Will you provide vases, pedestals etc.?

Most florists will hire out all the containers you need, make sure you check the cost of these and also find out how they will be returned to the florist afterwards.  Will you need to collect them at the end of the day or will the florist return to the venue?

If you have no idea where to start with flowers, there is so much inspiration out there to get you started, and it doesn’t just start with Pinterest! Look through some bridal or gardening magazines to identify which colours/types of flowers you like, they’ll also help with seasonal ideas.  Take them along when you meet your florist and they will be able to make suggestions.

Happy planning!