Why Brides Should Take the ‘No-Diet Vow’ in 2020

January has arrived and social media is full of the ‘new year, new me’ promises. We love the idea of pushing yourself, making changes for the better, but one big pressure we often see Bride’s putting on themselves is the pressure to shed some weight before their wedding, and this certainly isn’t something we’re a fan of!

So much so, we’ve been talking to Registered Dietitian, Joanne, who has been giving us the low down on why she’s calling for Brides to take the ‘No-Diet Vow’ in 2020!

Over to the expert…

Meet Jo, Registered Dietitian Based in Ipswich, with a focus on intuitive eating/anti-diet approach to healing a disordered relationship with food.

From the moment she proclaims “Yes!” to the day of “I do”, Brides are under enormous pressure to shrink their bodies for the big day, for the iconic dress and the everlasting photo albums.

A study of Brides reported 85% had a desired weight loss of 18 pounds. Another found 26% turn to dangerous strategies such as laxative abuse, vomiting after meals or even taking up smoking to achieve their ‘dream wedding body’.

The multi-billion-pound diet industry knows that it’s no longer cool to be ‘on a diet’ and is now masqueraded under the cloak of ‘wellness’ and ‘lifestyle changes’. Weight Watchers has rebranded to ‘Wellness that Works’ and regimes like intermittent fasting has soared in popularity. Ultimately, if it has rules, involves counting anything and you can ‘cheat’ – it’s a diet.

Any form of dieting is becoming increasingly regarded for causing long-lasting damage to self-esteem, mental health and rebounding in more weight gain. Thankfully, the needle is shifting towards anti-weight loss and non-diet approaches to optimising health in 2020, with the body positivity movement at the forefront. Yet the pressure from society for Brides to lose weight for their wedding hasn’t faded.

As an anti-diet Registered Dietitian, I work with clients to repair their broken relationship with food caused by decades of dieting. I have seen the negative impact of calorie restriction that lasts long after the wedding day and so I promote commitment to the ‘No-Diet Vow’ for Brides in 2020.

Why Brides Should Take the ‘No-Diet Vow’ in 2020

1. Dieting Takes Up a LOT of Mental Space

When underfed, you obsess about food. Even with all the willpower in the world, when primal hunger is at play, it’s near impossible to think about anything else but eating. With hundreds of wedding essentials to consider for the big day, don’t let thoughts about weight & dieting snatch any of your invaluable headspace.

2. Dieting Literally Makes You Stressed

Planning a wedding can be stressful at times, some aspects can be controlled (cake or dessert table?) and some simply can’t (having to invite that weird relative…). One source of stress that Brides can eliminate right now, is feeding herself enough calories.
Clients report that they often wake suddenly in the middle of the night, heart racing & feeling like they could run a marathon. This is the ‘flight or fight’ survival mode, the same response is provoked in times of physical danger or threat. In this case, this hormonal cascade is triggered by the threat of starvation. Stress weakens the immune system, impairs ability to make good decisions and is likely to have a negative effect on your relationships… (bad news for the Groom!)

3. Dieting is THE CAUSE of Binge Eating

If you have ever had a problem with bingeing, you know you want to avoid it at all costs. The main cause of binge eating is calorie restriction. Intense eating feels out of control and shameful, but it is a natural response to dieting.
For a Bride with a big-day deadline, the reaction to overeating may be to compensate with intense exercise or fasting for long periods, resulting in further overeating sessions and the relentless ‘diet-binge’ cycle.
Instead, give yourself a break. Dial down the negative self-talk and ramp up the self-compassion. You don’t have to love every aspect of your body but start by respecting it. It’s the only one you have and needs to work well long after your wedding day.

“Alter the dress to fit your body, not the other way around.”

Lastly, if pressure to lose weight is overwhelming, please reach out to loved ones or seek professional support from your GP or nurse.

A huge thank you to Jo for her expert advice! Jo is an experienced Registered Dietitian based in Suffolk. She has a Postgraduate Certificate in Eating Disorders & Master of Science Degree in Community Healthcare.

And what we love most, Jo is looking forward to her own Suffolk Wedding in 2020, we’re wishing her all the best for a fabulous day!

If you want to see more from her, Jo spreads anti-diet love and compassionate to help others enjoy food again on her website antidietanswers.com and on Instagram @antidietanswers